Miss Helen Smith

Helen Smith Second Cabin Passenger Saved Helen Smith with Ernest Cowper, the man who saved her life, in Queenstown.  Image:  New York Times, Sunday, 30 May 1915. Born Helen Smith October 1908 Swansea, Wales, United Kingdom Died 8 April 1993 (age 84) Swansea, Wales, United Kingdom Age on Lusitania 6 Traveling companions – Alfred Smith (father) …

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Miss Nancy Eileen Fenn Wickings-Smith

Nancy Wickings-Smith, an infant, was a British citizen from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.  She was traveling with her father Cyril, mother Phyllis, and uncle Basil.  Basil was married to Phyllis’ sister, Beatrice.  Beatrice did not sail on Lusitania.  Cyril, Phyllis, and Nancy survived the Lusitania sinking.  Basil did not. According to the Imperial War Museum’s Pritchard letters collection and survivor Gertrude …

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