Lusitania Calendar

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Events in February 2018

  • 1911: Delia and Terence Condon adopt a daughter.
  • 1860: Sir Frederick Orr-Lewis is born in Montréal, Québec, Canada.
  • 1915: Frederick Lewin arrives in New York aboard Tuscania.
  • 1920: Frederick Orr-Lewis becomes Sir Frederick Orr-Lewis.

1 thought on “Lusitania Calendar”

  1. Approximately 1950, Dwight C. Harris purchased a 350 acre property in Salisbury, Ct where he lived with his wife until 1962. In 1962 he sold the farm to Everett Crosby, brother of Bing Crosby. As a gentleman farmer, he lived on the estate during the summer and remained in New York City during the winter.

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