Lusitania Forum Now Open!

The Forum is now open on The Lusitania Resource! I am looking forward to great discussions and learning new things from the community on these message boards. Just remember to be nice!

Visit the forum here!

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2 thoughts on “Lusitania Forum Now Open!”

  1. forums are father sailed on the hesperian 1911 glasgow to quebec.did the ship carry any livestock,namly clydesdale horses?or was it just a passenger ship ? also i see some difference as to the time of the ships maiden voyage ?any additional info would be great,all i have is specs.of ship thank you don m

    • Hello! I had some difficulty finding information on Hesperian, actually, because I have not come across many books or websites dedicated to this ship. Perhaps Arnold Kludas’ Great Passenger Ships of the World might have something about Hesperian in it, but I do not have a copy readily available to double check. Feel free to ask a question in the Lusitania Forum: maybe someone who is much more knowledgeable about Hesperian than I am would be able to help you out.

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