Lusitania Maiden Voyage @ 107, 100th World War I anniversary

September 7th marks the 107th maiden voyage anniversary of the Lusitania, having departed Liverpool, England for New York City on that day in 1907.

June 28th marks the 100th anniversary of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary that sparked the war, and July 28th marks the 100th anniversary of the actual declaration of war.

Admittedly, I’m much further behind in updates than I’d like. My new strategy is to do smaller updates more regularly instead of doing big updates in chunks. We’ll see how that works out.


1 thought on “Lusitania Maiden Voyage @ 107, 100th World War I anniversary”

  1. The world seems small but it was a grand tragedy of man against man, How could anyone seek to destroy an innocent vessel full of civilians? 9 Eleven doesn’t seem fare behind. Who could do these things? On and on the pages of time will tell,

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