Mrs. Alexander Bryson Osborne (Alexandra Mary Bryson)

Alexandra Osborne, 49, was a British subject living in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. She traveled aboard Lusitania‘s last voyage in saloon cabin (first class), where her ticket was 865 and cabin was E-74. Alexandra survived the Lusitania sinking.

Alexandra Mary Bryson arrived in New York City on 14 April 1910 to be married to Dr. Alexander Bryson Osborne. They were married the next day. The similarity of their names suggests that Alexandra and Alexander may have been extended relatives. Alexandra was 44 at the time she wed. There was no issue from this marriage.

Dr. Osborne died in January 1922 while visiting England. Alexandra lived to be 81 and died in London on 18 October 1947.

Paul Latimer
Senan Molony, Ireland
Michael Poirier, USA
Zachary Schwarz

Molony, Senan ( 2008 ) “Lusitania: Final Voyage Folios,” Gare Maritime (ref: #6316, accessed 13th May 2013 11:31:43 PM) <>.

1 thought on “Mrs. Alexander Bryson Osborne (Alexandra Mary Bryson)”

  1. My Great Aunt- Anne Rome- always maintained one of her aunts was rescued from drowning by boarding a lifeboat- one of the few which did not get tangled up when the ship listed to one side. She had to wade through knee deep surf to reach the southern coast of Ireland, which is her vivid memory of the story told her as a teenage girl. We know Great Aunt Anne had two aunts- Constance Bryson and Alexandra (‘Alex’) Bryson, but could never be sure which one had been on the Lusitania. Is this the one, I wonder?

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