Reverend Charles Cowley Clarke

Reverend Charles Cowley Clarke, 64, was of the diocese of Clifton near Brighton, England. When purchasing his ticket for Lusitania, Clarke asked if there was any danger and was told that there was none. Clarke’s ticket was 46062 and his cabin was D-12.

Clarke became friendly with Staff Captain Anderson who told him early in the voyage that six boilers were not in use and that the ship’s speed would be reduced. He had lunch with Father Basil Maturin on the day of the disaster and they parted ways.

Clark then went up the lift and through the smoking room to stand outside the verandah café. He was talking to an American when the ship was struck. Clarke made his way downstairs to D deck where his cabin was located. He came up on the port side and found chaos and so returned to starboard. While there, he waited for a few minutes and then entered lifeboat #11.

Reverend Charles Clarke died on 14 January 1916.

Paul Latimer
Michael Poirier

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