Master John Coughlin, Jr.

John Coughlin, Jr. (1912 ? – 1980), 3, was an American citizen and son of John and Katherine Coughlin, and brother of Margaret and Jeremiah Bernard Coughlin. The senior Coughlin and his daughter, Margaret, were lost. Katherine and the sons survived.

John Coughlin, Jr. was born in Butte, Montana, United States, where his parent were married and siblings were born. The family continued to live in Butte until they left for Ireland on the Lusitania to return to their family farm and ancestral home.

John Coughlin, Sr. and Margaret were lost in the disaster. Katherine, John Jr., and Jeremiah Bernard were saved.

The elder Coughlin and his sons had been on deck when the torpedo struck. At the time, Katherine had been below decks washing things for the children. The father had left John, Jr. on deck so that Katherine could find him. The father had probably gone to find lifejackets and had been unable to get back. It is not known how Bernie survived, but it is presumed that his father escorted him to a boat and stepped back into the crowd. The following is John, Jr.’s recollection of the event.

I was only five at the time. It is all a rather confused memory. I remember the noise and the general confusion. I was placed in a lifeboat and was eventually landed in Queenstown. My mother and brother were saved, but my father and sister were drowned.

Following the Lusitania sinking, Katherine and her two sons lived temporarily with one of her brothers in County Cork, Ireland. Afterwards, and they continued to live in Ireland. They were not living with her relatives, but Katherine’s brother contributed to their support.

In January 1925, the Mixed Claims Commission awarded John Coughlin, Jr. $2,500.00 and Jeremiah Bernard Coughlin $2,500.00 for the loss of their father.

John became a Franciscian priest in July 1933. His name became Conleth Coughlin, OFM. He was based in Auckland, New Zealand, but as part of his duties he traveled a great deal. The Lusitania disaster did not affect his ability to travel on ships, as he voyaged aboard the Mariposa, Caledonian, and others. He frequently visited Ireland, where the Franciscian Friary in Wexford served as his other home. He died in Ireland on 21 December 1980 following an operation for an anerusym.

Related pages

The Coughlan Family at the Mixed Claims Commission

Links of interest

Lest We Forget: The Coughlin Family

Shelley Dziedzic, USA
Jim Kalafus, USA
Senan Molony, Ireland
Michael Poirier, USA
Jean Richards Timmermeister, USA

Mixed Claims Commission. Docket 2489, pg. 513.

Molony, Senan. Lusitania: An Irish Tragedy, pg. 26 – 27. Mercier Press, 2004.

Poirier, Michael and Jim Kalafus ( 2010 ) Lest We Forget : The Coughlin Family Titanic Research (ref: #11647, accessed 26th October 2011 07:02:45 AM)

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