Docket No. 261: Margaret and James Beattie

Docket No. 261.

on behalf of
Margaret Beattie,



PARKER, Umpire, rendered the decision of the Commission.

This case is before the Umpire for decision on a certificate of the National Commissioners[a] certifying their disagreement.

The United States on behalf of Margaret Beattie, who was on May 7, 1915, and has ever since been an American national, asserts this claim for losses suffered by her, based on facts as disclosed by the record as follows:

The claimant, Mrs. Margaret Beattie, with her husband, Rev. James A. Beattie, an American national, were passengers on the Lusitania. Her husband was lost. He was then 53 years of age and the claimant 55 years of age. The decedent had long served as a missionary in foreign fields, supported by the Board of Foreign Missions of the Reformed Church in America, with headquarters in New York City. His salary was $1,200.000 with house rent and other accommodations, bringing his annual compensation to approximately $1,800.00. The claimant lived with and assisted him in his work.

The claimant was in the water some 4 ½ hours before she was rescued. She suffered numerous bodily contusions and shock. She and her husband lost personal property which they had with them on the Lusitania of the value of $1,010.00.

Applying the rules announced in the Lusitania Opinion and in the other decisions of this Commission to the facts as disclosed by the record, the Commission decrees that under the Treaty of Berlin of August 25, 1921, and in accordance with its terms the Government of Germany is obligated to pay to the Government of the United States on behalf of Margaret Beattie the sum of twelve thousand dollars ($12,000.00) with interest thereon at the rate of five per cent per annum from November 1, 1923, and the further sum of one thousand ten dollars ($1,010.00) with interest thereon at the rate of five per cent per annum from May 7, 1915.

Done at Washington October 2, 1924.


[a] Dated September 23, 1924.

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