Item 234: Letter from William H. Chapman concerning Arthur Gadsden, dated 29 May 1917

Wm. H. Chapman
Attorney at Law
Engineers Building
Cleveland, Ohio
Cable Address

May 29, 1917

Mostyn Prichard, Esq.
7 Brockenhurst Road,
Ramsgate, Kent, England.

Dear Sir:-

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your kind letter of May 10th in reply to my letter of February 28th.

Since writing you I have received a statement from Arthur Gadsden and there is a possibility that I will not have to continue my investigation.

Should I receive any information concerning your Brother I shall most assuredly advise you. I note on the circular that you desire the return of same and I am enclosing it herewith.

Again thanking you for your courtesy and trouble in the matter, and trusting that you may eventually get the information you desire, I am

Very truly yours,
Wm H Chapman


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