NYC #Lusitania talk 4/30, Courtmacsherry #lusitania100 events #thewanderer100 rescue ship and updates


With the centennial coming up so quickly, it’s been a flurry of updates here, so I’ll try to keep this as brief but informative as possible. For everyone on the East Coast of the United States, here’s an activity update:

New York City – 30 April 2015

Lecture on “Lusitania: The Sinking of an Era” Thursday 4/30 at noon. RSVP National Archives #NYC or 866-840-1752

Also, Courtmacsherry Events have been added to the Lusitania commemorations page.

This site has also been long overdue in acknowledging the rescuers of the Lusitania‘s passengers and crew, so the “Rescue Vessels” section has been expanded a bit for #thewanderer100

Rescue vessels:

Updated biographies:

New biographies


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