Pinterest and New Additions, 9 May 2013

I don’t understand Pinterest, but the search engine optimization people say that social media helps with the rankings. So, The Lusitania Resource is now on Pinterest! You can see the page here:

Of course, I just joined, so there’s not really much up yet.

New biographies, and, as always, italics indicate survivor:

An editorial mentioning the Lusitania disaster and sinking was posted in the Washington Times this week. The views expressed in the editorial do not necessarily mirror my own, but I thought that those interested could check it out:

The Lusitania 98 years later: How Wilson sank a nation

And thank all of you for your comments and support on the painting I posted a few days ago. Today I’m including a pencil and ink sketch of the Lusitania sinking that I did several years ago:


While the ship is "technically" accurate, upon further research, the order of lifeboats lowering is now known to be different.
While the ship is “technically” accurate, upon further research, the order of lifeboats lowering is now known to be different.


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